While the Italian landscape to be more beautiful then i have ever seen before in my short life, the Italians the people of the country they are truly the amazing ones. As most of you know i have been in communication with my family for about 2 weeks now and it has been an AMAZING 2 weeks. I have started to get to know my host family more and they seem like amazing and wonderful people who i can not wait to meet. I have been working very hard on my Italian this last month. I am starting to make alot of progress on written Italian its still a little hard to speak because you have to do it faster lol. here is some things about my new host family in Italian!
Io parlo con mia famiglia. Mi piace parlere con mia sorella e mia fratello. Mia sorella e molto simpatico. ha 16 anni. anche'io 16 anni. Mia sorella piace a canta. Mia fratello e anche molto simpatico e molto divertente. mia sorella e fratello parlate italiano e inglese. voi parlate inglese molto bene! Mia mamma e gentile. io parlo con mia mamma con email. mia mamma parla solo italiana. noi parliamo in italiano. Mia mamma piace cucina Mia pappa e anche gentile. mia pappa e molto simpatico. mia papa piace giardinaggio. io amo mia famiglia.
now for the translation
(I talk with my family. I like talking with my sister and my brother. My sister is very nice. she is 16 years old. so am i. my sorella likes to sing. my brother is very nice and very funny. my sister and brother speak English and Italian. they speak English very well. My momma is very sweet. i talk with my mom with email. my momma speaks only English. we speak in Italian. my momma likes to cook. my pappa is also sweet. my pappa is very nice. my pappa likes to garden. i love my family)
That was a little bit about my new family!! They are very amazing and i love them so much they are a very great family and i believe that it will be a very good match for me. We get along very well so far and i can not wait to meet them in just 30 short days. ok well the days are not going to be that short but i still cant wait to meet them :D. So now back to the quote:
"Love and understand the Italians, for the people are more marvelous then the land" - Here are some absolutely beautiful pictures that they have sent me from Italy and just think if the pictures are this absolutely breath-taking the people are even better!!
My family has been sending me pictures of there house in Italy..well to say the least there house is very pretty and well i can not wait to live there for a year. they have a very cute house and they have a small little pond in there yard..just its gorgeous and i can not wait to live there with my new family. I have been in contact with my new family quite a bit and my family h
as also been sending me other pictures from there other house. While i thought that there real house was beautiful i had not yet seen these pictures of this view and just WOW were my only words. My family has a beach house on the island of Sant' Antioco. This is an island that is about 25 kilometers from my house in Carbonia. They vacation at this house in the summer and they have sent me some beautiful pictures from thi
s house. Well these pictures are anything short of breath-taking. They are just gorgeous and i cant wait to see this place in person i really cant! both of these pictures just look soo beautiful and i cant wait to take pictures of my own of these beaches!! My family has told me that they will be taking me to this house when i get there in September because the weather will still be very nice when i get to Sardinia in September. I have been reading a guide book that i got on Sardinia so that
i could learn a little about the island and this is what it says about the weather " The summer months between June and September are hot and dry with temperatures above 68F and at times reaching 86F. In the winter the temperatures are mild rarely dipping below 41F. January usually has sunny days and cold nights" I can not wait for that weather after years of frigid Wisconsin winters!!

So do i agree with the quote: Absolutely. While the pictures are very beautiful the people are just amazing and i can not wait to become "Italian" during my year and i can not wait to live with my family. i know that the hardest part of the whole year will be leaving my wonderful life that i m going to have Italy.. i cant wait to start that life.. 28 days in counting
Oh God how much i understand you!
I'm going to leave in 15 days to Finland and i'm really looking forward to it.
You will find a fantastic weather in Sardegna, well fantastic if you like hot =)
I hope you will have a nice time here in italy =)
Oh yes, i haven't said yet that i'm italian xD
Good luck, i will read your blog because it's too beautiful to see someone that likes so much my country.
aww im glad that you liked it... yes i love your country (well i've never been there but i love what i haer and the peple from there :D) good luck in finland!!!
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